Spare Parts

Durable replacement parts for industrial drag chains.

High-Quality Spare Parts

Our team can help you to develop maintenance strategies, as well as create customised spare lists tailored to your specific needs. Our experts are knowledgeable, reliable and committed to providing you with top-tier service from start to finish.

Rely on us for fast turnaround times on all orders from our worldwide network of suppliers – no matter how complex your requirements may be. Plus, our preventative maintenance solutions will ensure that downtime is kept at an absolute minimum – so you can keep your operations up and running with maximum efficiency.

Contact us today for more information about how we can help take the hassle out of managing critical spare parts!


Working With DM Services WA

DM Services WA has over 40 years of mining industry experience including engineering, construction, field services, emergency breakdown and machine upgrades.

Based in Western Australia

Based in Western Australia, our team of experienced electrical contractors can visit your site anywhere in Australia.

Industry Knowledge

DM Services WA has an experienced team and is determined to provide customer focused solutions to all our clients.

Premium Parts

Partnering with leading brands and matched with our industry knowledge, we use premium parts to help reduce shutdown times.